Today's run was in North Cheyenne Canyon... and I only have one thing to say:
Eff Snow.
Things were great starting out- the weather was clear, it wasn't too chilly- but so help me, my feet just couldn't get a grip on the ground beneath them.
About 30 minutes up Gold Camp, I grew aggravated. As I trudged on, the aggravation grew to to disgust, and by the 1 hour mark, I was having a full-blown tantrum. I felt like I was running in place! If I had desired that feeling, I would've hopped on the treadmill...
But here we were, out in the snow, and I was going to have to deal with it.
Eventually, I just stopped.
I found a sunny place with a good view and just quit running for a few minutes.
Everything was silent and still.
As I looked out over the trees, I realized what a dumb-ass I was being.
I had completely lost focus of what I most enjoy about running- the view. I hadn't been looking around much, but instead was fixated on the ground and how fast I was moving. Tisk-tisk.
So I walked. I forced myself to look around a little, and to stop worrying about my lack of progression up the road. My walking pace wasn't that much slower than my running pace anyways, so I had nothing to lose.
After that, things started looking up.
By the time I turned around and started the journey back, I was willing to give running another chance, and maybe even consider enjoying myself for the last stretch.
My feet were still slipping, but the new perspective and gradual down-hill did wonders for my previously grim mood :)
We made it back to the cars with a round-trip total of 90 minutes.
Sometimes I just have to remember to enjoy the ride... to take in the whole experience. I am so blessed to be where I am and to have such beautiful places within driving (or running) distance...
still chilly
16 hours ago
Love this post. So often I have to stop and remind myself to look around. And who could forget the scream that echoed throughout the canyon?! :-) So glad you are running with us - love your spirit!